Active8me 21-Day Kickstarter Challenge 2023


It’s the beginning of a new year and it’s time to turn that resolution into action. Did you set yourself a big goal? Make a promise to yourself? Get fit this year? Prioritise your health this year? Lose weight? Or, even transform your whole body?

For many of us, we start out all excited, but making the change is hard. The motivation can fade. Life gets busy again. The excuses come out again.  Sound familiar?

That is why instead of biting off more than we can chew, we are starting small – Simple ‘bite-size’ changes. One easy, doable change per day for 21 days. These micro-changes may seem simple, but they can grow over time and add up to a lot. Small actions and wins that help you create positive habits that build upon your ability to succeed. The more you succeed, the easier it feels. And the momentum builds. The self-belief grows. Before you know it, you’ve kick-started your journey and opened the door for more substantial growth.

So … each day we have one simple thing to do that will help you grow physically or emotionally healthier. Plus, our experts have also specifically designed an Active8me 21-Day Kickstarter Program to help you along the way to kickstarting weight loss, fitness, nutrition, mindset and healthier living.

Anyone can join in on the kickstarter challenge but joining the program will give you a huge head start – think -all your meals planned (with recipes), all your workouts at your fingertips (with video), empowering and practical mindset tips, plus tracking, reminders, and the ability to chat with a coach online. What more could you want or need?!

Active8me 21 day kickstarter challenge 2019 Sign up button

Want to know what the kickstarter challenges are? Read on for your day by day kickstarter challenge or skip straight to the simple graphic:

Day 1. Get a good night sleep !

What better way to start the kickstarter challenge than with sleep! Take time today to acknowledge that sleep is important to optimal function and recovery, whether that be in daily life or from exercise.

Active8me 21 day kickstarter challenge 2019 girl sleeping fit

Read more
Top Tips for Getting Sleep Fit

Day 2. Replace one sugary drink with water or drink one extra glass of water today

So often we neglect to hydrate properly. Did you know that we often mistake feeling hungry for actually being thirsty? When you go to reach for a snack today, try having a glass of water first. The Active8me app has a water tracking tab, try it, you may be surprised how little water you drink!

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Save Time: Healthy Living Hacks for Busy People
8 Daily Habits for Fitness Plan Success

Day 3. Find the Unfollow button

Seriously, who needs annoying, negative, unrealistic or critical people in their lives? Take time today to unfollow anyone on social media (and real life) who doesn’t make you feel empowered, informed or inspired.

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Fay Hokulani: Instagram vs Real Life, Inspiration or Intimidation?
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Day 4. Literally LOL during your workout today!

Active8me 21 day kickstarter challenge 2019 planking how you think

Oh, endorphins, how we love you! Laughing releases a ‘feel good’ rush that gives you a natural high. Find something to laugh about while exercising today – maybe it’s a joke you remember, perhaps it’s laughing at yourself attempting a new move!

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Exercise With Music: 5 Reasons they make the Perfect Workout Marriage 

Day 5. Cook one meal this week

We know that a busy lifestyle means eating out is so much faster, but it also means you are more likely to consume more calories and have less nutritious food. There are so many quick, easy Asian, Indian and Western recipes in the Active8me app that you can swap and change as you please!

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Active8me Recipe – Egg & Quinoa Veggie Bake
Eating Out – Not all Vegetable and Salad Dishes Are Healthy!  

Day 6. Silence your inner critic for today (and hopefully into the future)

That little voice in our heads can be so mean! Next time you catch your inner critic chastising yourself today, attempt to reword the thoughts as if you would deliver it to a friend!

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Stop Letting Your Inner Critic Rule Your Life 
10 Easy Ways to a Healthy Mindset 
5 Powerful Mindset Tips for Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Day 7. Finally master a squat!

It seems so simple, yet my squats don’t ever quite look like the Instagram fitness pro’s squats…hmmm! Make time today for your kickstarter challenge to perfect your squat technique. Then do 10 to practice!

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Want Flat Abs? Try these 3 Methods Today
Who Doesn’t Want a Toned Butt? Here’s why  

Day 8. Know the calories in your meal

Don’t worry, we are not going to get you to input every single thing you eat for the day, that is too much effort! Today’s kickstarter challenge is about having an idea of the calories you consume by being more aware of the energy content of typical foods. Check out the Active8me cheat sheet and estimate your calories for today.

Active8me 21 day kickstarter challenge 2019 calorie counting sheet

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Calorie Counting Cheat Sheet 

Day 9. Say no – Turn someone or something down that you really don’t want!

How often do you find yourself doing something for someone else just because you thought it was the ‘right’ thing to do? Or, accepting more food than you want because it is polite? Perhaps, taking on that extra task at work that belongs to someone else? Or, skipping your workout because a friend wants to do something else? The list goes on…today’s kickstarter challenge is to simply say ‘No!’ It’s easier than you think, promise.

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Say No! The Art and Power of the Polite Decline 
8 Things Truly Confident People Do. Plus Tips!
Quit White Rice: The Healthy Revolution

Day 10. Schedule your workouts for next week…actually write them in your diary! 

It is that simple – get your diary or phone out and make an appointment with yourself to workout. Make these times non-negotiable. Do it right now.

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The Fitness Hack for Busy People – Learn the Best Time to Exercise 
8 Daily Habits for Fitness Plan Success

Day 11. Know what a healthy plate looks like

We are all guilty of bulking up our meals with rice or overdoing the gravy with our dishes. Today, the kickstarter challenge is simple…learn how much of each macro nutrient you should have on your plate. Then apply the ‘hand rule’ (see graphic above) to ensure you’re getting the right ratio of carbs: protein: fat.

Active8me 21 day kickstarter challenge 2019 healthy food plate

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Active8me Guiding Nutrition Pillars 
Want to Eat Better? 

Day 12. Get clear on your why.

So you have had some time getting into the kickstarter challenge, now is a great day to determine, reassess or acknowledge your compelling vision. Why do you want to do this challenge? Why do you want to lose weight? Feel fit? Live healthy? If you are not doing this for yourself or not clear about why you want this, then your goal will become very blurry, very quickly. Write down your why and keep it close.

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5 Powerful Mindset Tips for Healthy Lifestyle Habits
Watch: Active8me Mindset lesson – Knowing Your Why

Day 13. Try an exercise you’ve never done before! 

Doing the same old workouts over and over can lead to both boredom and an exercise plateau. Get out of your comfort zone today and try something new. Ride a bike, try martial arts, aerial yoga or dance class!

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Top 5 Hottest Workouts that are taking Asia by Storm
Watch: Aqua Attack  

Day 14. Prep 5 easy snacks for your work week

Snacking can be the easiest way for calories to add up without you even realising! We think snacking is a great way to tide you over between meals and give you the extra mid-afternoon pick-me-up we often need. Try prepping a small bag of nuts/seeds, carrot/celery sticks, fruit pieces with tub of  yoghurt,etc for your work week. Remember to share your ideas with us on Instagram or Facebook! #active8mekickstarter @active8me

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Snack Your Way to Weight Loss Success 
Watch Active8me Nutrition: Better Snack Choices

Day 15. Have 5 minutes with your own thoughts

In other words, put the phone away! Today’s kickstarter challenge is something that many of us are finding harder to do, but it is really simple. Put your phone away or out of sight, sit quietly, close your eyes and be mindful of the present moment- focus on smooth breathing! You can do this on the commute to work, when you wake or even just after you shower.

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Day 16. Get to know your core

Well, hello there stranger…yes we know your core is there, but when was the last time you made it work properly and to your benefit? It’s time to perfect the humble plank.

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Want Flat Abs? Try these 3 Methods Today
Who Doesn’t Want a Toned Butt? Here’s why 

Day 17. Rice is so yesterday, try a new grain!

Remember these are small steps, so we are not asking you to give up rice for the rest of your life. But why not go a day without adding rice to your meals or better still try quinoa or cous cous or any other wholegrain. Remember carbs are your friend but overdoing the carbs can quickly spell calorie disaster.

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Quit White Rice: The Healthy Revolution
Good Carb, Bad Carb The Myth About Carbs Busted

Day 18. Use a circuit breaker

When we have a negative thought it lays a little circuit in your brain. Each time you have that thought (or something similar) it strengthens the circuit. Think the same things enough and it becomes the path of least resistance, so it’s now an automatic thought process. Today’s kickstarter challenge is to break the circuit. Put a rubber band around your wrist and sting yourself every time you have a negative thought! It’s a little fun but also a painful reminder about your thought patterns.

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Stop Letting Your Inner Critic Rule Your Life 
5 Powerful Mindset Tips for Healthy Lifestyle Habits
Watch Circuit Breaker

Day 19: Improve your posture

Active8me 21 day kickstarter challenge 2019 girl sitting right posture

Even a simple adjustment of your posture can have immediate effects. Not only can it help your breathing and digestion, but will make you look leaner, sounds like a winner! Keep your posture in mind today especially when you’re sitting at your desk or waiting in line. Align your ears and shoulders over your hips.

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Want Flat Abs? Try these 3 Methods Today
Who Doesn’t Want a Toned Butt? Here’s why  

Day 20: Eat the rainbow

Seriously! Try a day of filled with colourful fruit and vegetables. The more colour, the more chance you are getting all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Smoothie bowls are a great way to achieve this, but so too are vegetable stir-fries or mixed salads. Show us your creations on Instagram or Facebook. #active8mekickstarter @active8me

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Day 21. Say ‘I don’t’ instead of ‘I can’t’ –

Today is the final day of our kickstarter challenge, but only just the beginning of a life long journey of healthy choices! Today your kickstarter challenge is to choose empowerment instead of restriction. Instead of saying ‘I can’t have that chocolate cake’ instead say ‘I don’t want chocolate cake’.

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Why Diet Cheat Days do more Harm than Good
Watch Active8me Mindset Lesson: I don’t vs I can’t

21-Day Kickstarter Challenge Complete

So there it is. Your 21 daily kickstarter challenges to accompany Active8me’s 21 Day Kickstarter Program. 21 resolutions you will actually want to keep! All micro-actions that will kickstart your year. 21 days that are actually just the beginning to getting your year off to a great start. Remember, your success is our success. So, do you want to join us? Are you in?

Active8me 21 day kickstarter challenge 2019 Sign up now button

Active8me 21 day kickstarter challenge 2019 challenges Active8me try it free today

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Active8me is an all-in-one digital health and wellness platform devoted to building a healthy future​

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