Which Nutrition Camp are You In?


“It’s all about following a ‘paleo’ diet.” “Low carb, high protein diets are the way to go!” “My friend is a vegan and looks great. It works.” “You should quit sugar.” “Intermittent fasting diets are the answer!”

Many people today seem to have a different view or philosophy on nutrition. They believe their approach is the right way and they expect everyone else’s approach to fit into some nice little nutrition box.

At Active8me we don’t fall into a single “diet camp”. You can’t fit us into a nice little nutrition box. We are not into diets and we don’t believe there is one single, incredible, super diet for every person to follow.

How can there possibly be “one-size-fits-all” diet when every person is different, with different body types, different tastes and preferences, different genetic makeups, slightly different nutritional requirements, different budgets for food, different time constraints and so on? Just consider some of the different diets around the world – from the African Masai whose traditional diets are high in fat and animal products with very few vegetables, to South Pacific islanders whose traditional diets are very high in vegetables and starchy carbs, to the Japanese whose diets are dominated by fresh fish. Different diets work for various tribes, nationalities and ethnic groups around the world. No wonder there’s so much contradictory advice and why people can’t agree as to what constitutes the ideal diet – because, in our opinion, there isn’t one.

However, what we do believe at Active8me, and what we are into, is healthy nutrition that nourishes your body – clean eating. We believe in sensible, common sense, balanced eating habits that you can keep up over the long-term. The sort of common sense logic reflected by Michael Pollan’s quote “Don’t eat anything your great grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food”.

Clean eating is about healthy choices and going back to the basics by eating wholesome food in its most natural and unprocessed state. Natural foods which are raised, grown, caught and harvested with minimal processing – just as our great-grandmother would have recommended. Clean food is whole, unprocessed and without chemicals and artificial ingredients. (These are called wholefoods).

Clean eating is not a diet. It’s not calorie restriction nor meal frequency. It’s not about obsessing and perfection. It is about lifestyle change and nourishing your body in the best way so you can be as healthy as possible.

So forget what nutrition camp you’re in and focus on nourishing your body with clean eating.

Find out more..

If you want to find out more on how to eat clean, then click here.

“Real food doesn’t have a label”

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